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Change of shape in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2019-05-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: change shapechange of statea change of scenechange of lifechange of planchange of minda change of heartchange of ownershipMeaning: n. an action that changes the shape of something. 
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1. The main element of this clothing is the change of shape, the process of material, the edge, the design and the color.
2. This change of shape converts the normally inactive kinase into an active one, which then sends signals inside the cell that trigger cell growth.
3. This will minimize change of shape not only during machining but during subsequent heat treating as well.
4. The properties of RE-boronizing layer relative to casting quality, and the suitable temperature is necessary for lightening change of shape.
5. To the crack tip in the form of strain energy, In the present case, this energy can be stored as a change of shape of the crisp and in the jaw muscles.
6. The pollution is so bad, people out of a total change of shape.
More similar words: change shapechange of statea change of scenechange of lifechange of planchange of minda change of heartchange of ownershipchange of directionchangeoverchange overchange-oversense of shamerate of changerate of exchangein the shape ofangular shapein the range ofchange handschangefloating exchange ratechangerchangedrange of productsrange of mountainschange-upnet changeexchangechange upchange for
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